The City of Olympia has an ethical obligation to protect the environment through coordinated actions across departments and policies. These obligations are typically grounded in laws, regulations, and the city’s overall sustainability goals. The following is a list of the primary city entities and officials holding a role in maintaining ethical environmental practices in Olympia.

Addendum: The City’s Unified Ethical Duty to the Environment

When the city aligns itself with pro-business organizations that prioritize profit over environmental sustainability, it can conflict with its responsibility to prioritize long-term ecological health, reflecting an ethical imbalance in its governance approach.

City Officials and Entities with Ethical Environmental Obligations

Mayor of Olympia – Dontae Payne
Ethical Responsibility: The mayor of Olympia should be expected to uphold ethical standards that prioritize environmental stewardship, transparency, accountability, and sustainability, using their power to advocate for and develop policies that protect natural resources, ensure equity for all communities, and reduce environmental harm, while fostering collaboration with local stakeholders and considering the long-term impact on future generations.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia City Council – Yến Huỳnh, Dani Madrone, Clark Gilman, Kelly Green, Robert Vanderpool, Jim Cooper

Ethical Responsibility: The Olympia City Council should be expected to uphold ethical standards that include prioritizing environmental sustainability, using their legislative power to make decisions based on scientific evidence and long-term impacts, ensuring equitable access to clean air, water, and green spaces for all residents, promoting transparency and public participation in environmental policy-making, and acting with accountability to protect and preserve the city’s natural resources for future generations.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia City Manager – Jay Burney
Ethical Responsibility: The City Manager of Olympia has the power to implement city policies, manage operations, oversee environmental programs, prepare the budget, and advise the City Council, while also bearing the responsibility to ensure sustainable practices, promote environmental stewardship, and execute policies that protect and preserve the city’s natural resources.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia Planning Commission – OPC was formed in 1935 to advise the City Council on the long range growth and development of Olympia, including changes to the City’s land use regulations.
Ethical Responsibility: The Olympia Planning Commission has the responsibility and power to review and recommend land-use proposals, advise the City Council on environmental policies, advocate for sustainable development, and engage the public to ensure that city growth aligns with ethical environmental standards, promoting resource conservation and long-term sustainability.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia Public Works Department– Mark Russel, Public Works Director
Ethical Responsibility: The Olympia Public Works Department has the responsibility and power to design, implement, and maintain sustainable infrastructure projects, manage waste and water resources efficiently, reduce environmental impacts through eco-friendly practices, and ensure that public works initiatives comply with environmental regulations, while promoting sustainability and protecting natural resources for current and future generations.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia Parks and Recreation Department – Paul Simmons, Parks, Arts & Recreation Director
Ethical Responsibility: The Olympia Parks and Recreation Department has the responsibility and power to manage and preserve public parks, green spaces, and recreational areas in an environmentally sustainable way, promoting ecological conservation, implementing environmentally friendly practices (such as native plant landscaping and habitat restoration), and ensuring that recreational activities are conducted in a manner that protects the city’s natural resources, while also fostering environmental education and community engagement in sustainability efforts.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia Design Review Board – The Olympia Design Review Board is a citizens review board established in 1985 and consisting of 9 volunteers.
Ethical Responsibility: The Olympia Design Review Board has the responsibility and power to ensure that development projects comply with the city’s design guidelines, which include considerations for environmental sustainability and protection. The board reviews architectural designs, landscaping, and site planning to promote energy-efficient, resource-conserving practices, minimize environmental impacts, and integrate green spaces. Their role also includes recommending designs that preserve natural features, reduce storm water runoff, enhance habitat preservation, and encourage sustainable building practices, all of which align with ethical standards in environmental protection.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia Hearing Examiner, Mark C. Scheibmeir
Ethical Responsibility: The Hearing Examiner in Olympia has the responsibility and power to review and make decisions on land-use permits, zoning requests, and environmental impact assessments, ensuring that development proposals comply with the city’s environmental regulations and sustainability standards. The Hearing Examiner’s ethical obligations include considering the potential environmental impacts of projects, enforcing compliance with environmental protection laws, and ensuring that proposed developments do not harm natural resources, promote sustainable practices, and align with the community’s long-term environmental goals.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]

Olympia City Prosecuting Attorney
Ethical Responsibility: The Olympia City Prosecuting Attorney has the responsibility and power to enforce environmental laws and regulations within the city, ensuring that individuals and organizations comply with ordinances related to pollution, waste management, land use, and other environmental protections. Their ethical obligations include prosecuting violations of environmental laws, holding violators accountable, and upholding the city’s commitment to sustainability and the protection of natural resources, while promoting public health and the well-being of the community.
[OlyEthics Score: TBD]